Friday, July 12, 2019

WCG - Boinc - Community Science Proposals

WCG - World Community Grid proposed topics of interest

Boinc : Bare Metal VM

Firstly the world community at WCG propose to do many a worldly good for the aiding of social order & good health..


Study into the fungle foot infections including bovine fungle foot rot,
While this topic may seem minor the effects on society of bad feet is annoying and clinically depressing to so many.

Study of the various effects of tar including examination and computation of the locations and formation of tar & excessive poisons in the lungs,
Proposal includes all collected data & informed research in biomedical databases.

Healthy living is the requirement of mankind & alien species alike.

Study of bone fractures & the auxiliary study of XRay examination with radiation dosage assessments., Further study will improve on already successful research at WGC,WHO & MSF (UN)

Study of chemotherapy & radio interactions with antibody proposals for medical grade chemical usage minimisation & optimisation.

Study on the effects of skin burns on healing & of the environment-s best suited to self healing bodies; Under therapy & or ointment treatments.

Rupert S