Friday, March 24, 2023

Path-trace-RTDL (c)RS - The combination of Ray Tracing & Path Tracing & FSR_DL; The advantage being a combination of RayTrace CU & General SiMD

Path-trace-RTDL (c)RS

The combination of Ray Tracing & Path Tracing & FSR_DL; The advantage being a combination of RayTrace CU & General SiMD, RS 2023-03 in response to the RS Technology being implemented.

Path Tracing define: RS

Path tracing is when you take an objective viewpoint; A number of viewpoints to the receptor (Observer, such as gamer or camera

VP = View Point, Observer is camera, RT Path = RT Core Ray

View point Mesh, That is directional

                             VP : VP : VP : VP : VP

                             VP : VP : VP : VP : VP

                             VP : VP : VP : VP : VP

                             VP : VP : VP : VP : VP

VP : VP : VP : VP : VP {Forward} VP : VP : VP : VP : VP

VP : VP : VP : VP : VP {Observer} VP : VP : VP : VP : VP

VP : VP : VP : VP : VP {Backward} VP : VP : VP : VP : VP

                             VP : VP : VP : VP : VP

                             VP : VP : VP : VP : VP

                             VP : VP : VP : VP : VP

                             VP : VP : VP : VP : VP

The location VP initiates a SiMD view directly to & from reflective objects & calculates distortion of view & texture with FSR_DL

In this view i would like you to consider a reflective bounce camera viewpoint & think of the energy that saves you.

RayTracing Define:

Ray is cast from object & calculated to target vector; With Distortion calculation & reflections.

We Combine minimum intersection with the VP; Using a cast Ray; So we know the viewpoint is active,
We trace the route back as the observer & calculate each intersection as an observer...

FSR_DL handles surface distortions & fogs of war...

We minimise the viewpoints memory footprint by altering the scale of the viewpoint in respect to the observers screen resolution / Distance .... We can also upscale the pretend frame!

We can cache the frame & discard if we wish!

Raytracing also provides distortion defines for viewpoints & Ray Distortion & Direction Calculations.

RT-Sparse-Field Pre Calculation Cache : RS & Lisa Lue

During the initiation of the frame we calculate polygon placement,
We Cache the metrics & use them for our distance fields.

Long term Non Volatile Cache
Short term recalculation cache
Validate Cache & use for ray tracing RayMarch & lighting.

Real Time Sparse Distance Fields:

Distance Fields are defined as Object detection with range finding,
In GPU SiMD we can reduce the Field Multiple Recount,

Low cache containment Serial processing; Is where we have not got all the Polygon distances counted & in cache...

We can however count on the GPU having the Polygon Map in RAM for a small segment of polygons; But due to the fact that we place the polygons in precise locations; We already have Distance.

Distance fields are helpful because; Ray-forwarding (Ray March) does not need to do more than,
Process; Distortion & Viscosity & Density & transparency & Reflection,

But we can do this over larger fields in areas with lower levels of modification property with counts as a lower required precision!

(c)Rupert S

Path-trace-RTDL : This could be us : Path Tracing all light reflection, Does not require something as high on GPU as RX6500! Can be CPU SiMD/AVX on the Vectors, So can be a regular thing!

We can even super sample our cube maps dynamically; So that we take the vector locations & transform the cube maps into fully RayMaped Polygons.

The results are all about how we plan to Dynamically Optimise & Draw Vectors.



Cubic SubSampling reference :

In simple principle SubS uses Probable interaction PDF & Ray Boxing (Isolated Cell Cube = [SS]/[SubS]),
We only therefore only need to Predict Sample for likely cube overflows into adjacent boxes.

Resampling first; As we are resampling a ray box for probable intersection with our primary target (viewer),
Our motive is that the viewer is the only one to see the rays; Only Science project need to know all; But not always,

We need a sample that does interact with the Observer/Viewer!
So we simply need a bounding box with a direction mesh (multiply by X) that shows probable cause to interact!

We know that Viewer X is the only person seeing that interaction & So we know that if we point a triangle towards a light source; We directly interact with a subsample array,
We do not need them all!

PDF Similarity is used with the Ray Box to allocate work to probable cause; Located at User interaction AKA Observer/Viewer.

MultiDimensional Raytracing & 3D Visualisation

Projection Pursuit (PP) based algorithms were shown to be efficient solutions for performing dimensionality reduction on large
datasets by searching low-dimensional projections of the data
Accelerating a Geometrical Approximated PCA Algorithm Using AVX2 and CUDA

Ray Tracing and Volume Rendering Large Molecular Data on Multi-Core and Many-Core Architectures


Objective ~= Viewer, Deformation Bounce : Scatter Pattern S{1 : 2 : 3 : 4 } : Repeat

GDC 2023 - Two-Level Radiance Caching for Fast and Scalable Real-Time Global Illumination in Games

the objective is to bounce rays towards viewer in a probability Oblong uneven cube,
What we do is mathematically work out how probable that additional light bounces on surface X

{Light Source}---/ \ / \ {viewer}

We can take the surface as a cube; Aligning a common detection point along a flat or low polygon count version of the surface...

Map from the rays of light intersecting the surface at low resolution & map the average reflection as with path tracing,
compensating for shape distortion with calculations...

Effectively we treat the light as a polygon & prove probable additional light based on it's likeliness to exist,
Low light levels reduce likeliness, Strong sources of light will more likely have rays...

Surface deformations require more effort & we will concentrate more processor cycles to deformed areas such as water ripples,

However we shall calculate the deformation matrix of the surface & therefore average the rays we measure & Calculate directions from deformation bounce.

Because we calculate distortion from arc, sine, tan, Reflection value & variation in reflection dispersion & opacity.

Scatter Pattern S{1 : 2 : 3 : 4 } : Repeat

For Surface X{1 : 2 : 3 : 4 } + Light Y{1 : 2 : 3 : 4 } = light Z{1 : 2 : 3 : 4 } + Scatter pattern S{1 : 2 : 3 : 4 }

Y{1 : 2 : 3 : 4 } / X{1 : 2 : 3 : 4 } = Scatter pattern S{1 : 2 : 3 : 4 }

Rupert S


PoCL Source & Code

Bus Tec :

FPGA 'Xilinx Virtex-II' HPC application Multiple-Applications & Image-Net & Matrix-Multiplication - H-SIMD machine _ configurable parallel computing for data-intensive HPC

A SIMD architecture for hard real-time systems

Ideal for 4Bit Int4 XBox & Int8 GPU
PULP-NN: accelerating quantized neural networks on parallel ultra-low-power RISC-V processors - Bus-width 8-bit, 4-bit, 2-bit and 1-bit

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DSC, ETC, ASTC & DTX Compression for display frames