Friday, September 28, 2012

Geometric calculating machines

Holographs of light ... (C) RS

We can precisely measure geometries in light due to the fact that light is a variable geometry itself...

For example the precise geometry of a triangle can be worked out inside a sphere of light ....

Using a single laser and a ball with a hole in it, the creation of data from arc sin and tan.

If i was to say a reference i would recall that vectors can be worked out as a simple geometry of end points and lines....

So simply using the same method as Archimedes to measure the vectors of planets but in laser light and precise reflection... should precisely replicate his results but at a much higher precision....

Using a traditional computer to simply record the resulting calculation so it can relate to cyber minds.. to computational cores and GPU's.

On the other hand because of its 3D nature ..
It could be replicated on a GPU with ease although obviously not to quite the precision of a real light machine...

There are many ways to solve a problem other than complicated maths or using high precision binary.

Even a binary machine can be represented in counter interfering light with liquid crystal blockers and inverted light...

The same could be said for sound Replication of 3 dimensional data in 2D dimensional Data Sets,
Sin,Cos & Tan in relation to the 2D & 3D date from sonar.

(copywrite) Rupert S

An example : GPU : The light chip is here to stay (c)RS
WebCLGL : Libraries & JS

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The thermodynamic properties of the gaming community in virtual spaces - VM, VR, VReal, Dream State, Engram

The thermodynamic properties of the gaming community in virtual spaces - VM, VR, VReal, Dream State, Engram

Like all systems even virtual ones follow strict rules of thermodynamics...
or thermodynism (the dynamic of thought,energy & popular life)

Where energy flows to and from....

Just like universes the original input comes from massive creation events (advertising and linkin's)
energy and matter flows into the universe ; Forming clusters of light that burn bright..
and just like galaxies thy need more energy and influx..

Sources of energy are like recycling at some points wherein energy enters into the act of self creation and modification...
Other new sources of being and light are created in entities called guilds , empires and federations...

The system can gain significant energy as the matter within it goes through states of being...
and can lead to a long term re invention of the energy forms within the universe..

Some times energy forms form complex sub units with variable life times... (armies fleets and planetary structures)...

Whole systems can randomly vanish in a haphazard way for in the hast to make the universe much of the matter is unstable or at least has that potential...

Sub parts may or may not be recycled but rest assured the laws of thermodynamics are present here ...
and invariably energy forms recollect into other forms ... Some times in labouring system entities or other forms....

However how does one prove the conservation of matter when energy and anti energy (inverted) exactly meet ?

Randomly losing matter in a non provable way...
This destructive force seems to release energy forms outside of the observers observable range of perception and thusly one has to solve the issue of compounded effects of mysterious properties,

To truly understand this issue further study and experience is required to further understand the rules of the system.

Mental & Computational power combine to form the resource; Such resource is mana.
Storage & the system that stacks: order,dynamic data, modification & other factors;
Create further proof of the energy of construction & use or modification.

Vampyres are basically pirates & data thieves.

The universal existence of energy rules exist : Rule all

(c)DT : RS : Detonator VX

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wave Form Replication and Harmonisation

(C) RS

in view of the wave form phenomena i believe its possible there is a corresponding wave above as well as below...
such a formation is called a local wave phenomena...
and relates to us being a complex wave formation on a 3 dimensional bubble brand  ...
an inward and outward formation on a singularities sceen or theoretical layer....
rather than simply being information we are a multidimensional wave form that inter relates at the point alpha the centre of our being...
beings of dimension inside beings of dimension ad infinitum...
the possible value of almost replication is based on the unlimited power of the fractal to self replicate ; inside an infinite space.

Monday, September 3, 2012

the ultimate fate of the universe

Infinity the wave and the particle

finite solution
also refer to and its links

after some thought about the field effect of small light mass particals such as electrons covering more and more space as thy get lighter....

we can come to some conclusions

one : the field aria (probable location) would be infinitely dense and small and thus provably non interfering with the theoretical locations around it...

Two : such a field could theoreticaly hold a universe of information... maybe even more :)

three : when the particles eventually decay into their lightest component the effective field range could be practicaly infinite.. and as such a quantum event of unity in a large form.

Four : such an event might be practicly a singularity ....

in the words of infinity : the one becomes many the many become one.

things with a mass have a wave and the heavier thy are the more private that wave.
and the lighter the more open and thusly forming an infinite wave of all particles ....
thusly explaining the principle of light that it is both wave (infinite) and particle (singuler)...
the universe in such a state becomes one infinite wave.

the only vertualy infinite wave we know is gravity ; so the possibility is that gravity comes from a vertualy massless particle

if infinite space where covered by a super resonant gravity or field it can lead to many effects including the instantaneous formation of a super black hole in other words big bang

bubble universe theory (c) RS

oraborus the cycle of life , infinity and unity


infinite state of decay or infinite rebirth in a universe effected by the observer


15:18 *Azrael*: my only problem with the update that gravity is not an infinit wave form but a singularity phenomenan... i mean if it was a wave form it would have to be inverted, and that's a singularity

exactly ;)