Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Temporal Aliasing - Image shaping Polygon Resolve Precision Enhancement (c)RS

Temporal Aliasing - Image shaping Polygon Resolve Precision Enhancement - The Vector Scope (c)RS Definition 2021-09

Vector Scope Polygon precision enhancement with temporal shaping matrix (c)Rupert Summerskill

Improve resolution of WebP, Audio & Video elements, Games & 3D & 2D & in principle Geometry, Fonts & Systems, Research faster & better but quicker, Bluetooth & earbuds,  TOSLink, HDMI, Video Playback , Audio Encoding & Decoding  , Video Encoding & Decoding, Audio Tracks, DVD & BlueRay Players, TV's & Monitors & Hardware requiring precision.

Definition of usage:

Audio Codecs
Video Codecs

Polygon Math

Resolution Enhancement
Processor Cycle Usage Reduction
Compression & Storage of object math

Complementary work on subject: RS


The Vector Scope : Definition : RS


To Vector scope is to examine an original output of a Vector unit math..
In order to render the results in a higher resolution..
Or in order to upscale a rendered frame buffer (Letterbox) Into a higher resolution frame buffer,

In games that are mode set to a specific resolution (Sonic for example)..

We can install a layer after the game renders the screen that will interpret the resolution to a higher detail.

We can also Render a game in 1920 to the primary frame buffer & resolve additional details in a higher resolution.

***** Resolving material for Vector Precision Enhancement of math objects: RS

High resolution polygon translation table (matrix)

We can save a polygon table that defines higher precision mathematical representations of polygones to decompress & render in higher detail packed float polygons,

F8 definition polygons in F16b

A polygon defined in 8Bit converted though table into 32Bit polygons..
Result ? we do not have to mathematically interpolate in FPU; We load higher precision.


Definitions of triganomic objects for precision enhancement of stored Polygon data & maths >


RSR APK Vrc:Lrc:Hrc : Advanced direct RAM Cached Pipe (c)RS

APK Formatic RSR App upscaling & in frame buffer Texture Super-Sampling at the sub pixel level..

Injected into the frame buffer from alternate middle buffer (c)RS

Virtual Screen Buffer : Low latency High precision Frame Cache : Output HDMI Render layer and DSC Compression link with VRR Direct to screen.


Triganomic curvatures in glTF : (c)RS

Are you now using Tragicomic curvatures ..

Using ARC,SIN,TAN instead of polygons for curves?
You only need to map distance along the curve for a polygon point..

That point can be perfect; For there is no such thing as a limit to a curve except that defined by bit precision..

Being 16Bit or 32Bit SiMD can represent a perfection in 16K HDR..
Even more so a Float unit 186Bit! or divisions thereof for Multiplication & fraction boosted Threading.

Curvature modelling is a plan in which we need no points of a polygon
& thus we can compress the data..

A: b16Float for example because we need lower precision sub pixel rendering..

We use this for glTF

(c)Rupert S

High precision FFT Examples : in the SiMD Folder...

Advanced FFT & 3D Audio functions for CPU & GPU


High resolution polygon translation table (matrix)

We can save a polygon table that defines higher precision mathematical representations of polygons to decompress & render in higher detail packed float polygons,

F8 definition polygons in F16b

A polygon defined in 8Bit converted though table into 32Bit polygons..

Result ? we do not have to mathematically interpolate in FPU; We load higher precision.


The Vector Scope : Definition


To Vector scope is to examine an original output of a Vector unit math..
In order to render the results in a higher resolution..

Or in order to upscale a rendered frame buffer (Letterbox) Into a higher resolution frame buffer,

In games that are mode set to a specific resolution (Sonic for example)..
We can install a layer after the game renders the screen that will interpret the resolution to a higher detail.

We can also Render a game in 1920 to the primary frame buffer & resolve additional details in a higher resolution.


We can still scope SiMD & FPU Maths precision outside of understanding the SDK they used..
For precise representation of our desired output virtualisation,


Original resolution x upscale + SiMD+FPU Vector Scope (the code run by the application or game)

Original resolution x upscale + SiMD+FPU Vector Scope; Into Virtual resolution

To Vector Scope: To understand the maths processes run by the program..

In order to improve precision of the output; We Know that the SiMD+FPU is a lot higher precision..
Than the output Display Resolution,
We can therefore promote the resolutions of all elements in Float values to vector quality.

Vector scope (the code run by the application or game)

We can then Machine Learn from Scope & that equals superior results,
But we can also directly apply those results though SiMD+FPU maths.

GBuffers are indeed a source of SiMD, Float results & we use all the details that we need.

Example method 3D Shaped screens & surfaces, Vector Scope:

Sample the 3D image of the surface & prove the following postulate:

Surface area N +- (Height + Contour Array bFloat16 = (Layer Surface requirement + Layer-N2)

contoured displays & dimples in wafers handled though VectorScope Maths.

(c)Rupert S / DukeThrust

***** Temporal Precision Enhancement : (c)RS

For Console Games : RCFedra 0.5x4:2:0.5x4 Frame method ML Bilinear & Trilinear Multi Cache Interpolation temporal matrix (c)RS

Alternative 1

One proposes 5 High Resolution frames 15 half frames Interlaced 20 Full frames as a 120 Solution..

Alternative 2

One proposes 5 High Resolution frame sets of :

1 = full frame, 0.5 = Interlace Frame Interpolated across 0.5:1:0.5 frame,

Can be 0.75; Less or more...

The matrix uses Time Interpolated slices across 3 pixels :

Centre = Full frame info and sides X + (shape) the interpolated.

Using bilinear & trilinear Interpolation / Filtering & Simple Association Machine Learning Matrix..
The basic matrix is 16 Node groups from a single dynamic Cache source...

2 Refresh Cycles learning advanced & 1 Behind :

*Localised independent based on DMA Access patterns combined with Data load & refresh.

(c)Rupert Summerskill


FSR_DL 2 Motion vector+ with DSC:

Digital Signal Compression VESA Standard with Vector Prediction

1 plus 2 or rather Np1 + Np2 = Npr | N = Vector | Pixel 1 & Pixel 2

Pixel 2 is a vector direction from Np2 compared to Np1 from 8 locations , Ir rather 8 pixel squares surrounding Np1,

Processing the input Vector (lowering processing latency)

Obviously we take advantage of the fact that we have the keyboard & mouse or Input vector in low latency input mode & are processing the input Vector & therefore..
We can KNOW the Motion vector

Processing External input Vectors (lowering processing latency)

Obviously we take advantage of the fact that we have the Server or Input vector (Video for example with Predict; In low latency input mode & are processing the input Vector & therefore..
We can KNOW the Motion vector,

The 2 point motion Vector Frame

The 2 point motion & frame vector does have a clear advantage in that the DATA path is 100% 3D!
Indeed we do have a completely 3D Frame with:

Input Vector & 2 dislocated view point, The result is a 3D Frame with mathematically provable 3D Isometric Data, Also visible & processable,
Including by visual goggles & Red,Blue/Greed Differentiation (Classic Red & Green/Blue Glasses),

A simple SiMD Threaded examination of tells in the frame allows 3D Rendering,
Even with a single frame & we may provide 2+ different viewpoint frames...

Directly rendering that output To 3D Glass


ML Progress statement 2021 : RS

9:02 You know FSR Virtual Screen Resolution with Dynamic letterboxing & Machine Learning..

Requires some core function,

For example Vulkan DirectML..

Such a feature is a survival trait of core function:

Core function list ML:

Adaptable Tessellation

Adaptable Sharpening

Adaptable Image Enhancement

Adaptable Resolution improvements : Vertex,Polygons,Textures & Shaders

Core function is essential for adaptation of each game engine,

Core ML function is essential for progress & improvement..

Machine learning is in essence : Cognition, Brain function & Development..

Therefore required for improvement to be made.

(c)Rupert S

Dolby Atmos 3D Audio in production

Challenge accepted : Testing the Codecs Qualification 'Levels" :

Higher Dynamic Range Qualification Audio Test cases 5.1 HD 24Bit Stereo Mic's 

Live Thunder 7.1HQ

Sing 3D

ASIO #FasterAudio : but a lot faster, like in gaming or production