Friday, April 24, 2020

HPC Render Layer priorities - Science;Research:Cinematic:Movie:Design & Gaming

HPC - Render Layer priorities - Science;Research:Cinematic:Movie:Design & Gaming

A List sorted for functional use in Programming:Science:Gaming:RS

The truth is the image & 8/7/6/5/4/3D Holograph/Sound/Wave/Field/Polygon standards:

(Standard Physics Model) for processing data (scans,XRay's,Ultra sound,Sonar: for example)
Are basic standards Implemented by the GPU Processor format support,
Vulkan,OpenGL:ES,DirectX,Mainframe,PC,Mac,Phone & Console

Logic necessitates maths: 
Float & Integer : Dynamic,Precision,High precision,Compressed,Half & Lossless compression optimised bit range & masking(for example XOR & AVX,Vector)

Feature sets of the Standard CL_C++ divide,

Simple instruction parallel SiMD,AVX,Vector
from Float & Integer FPU full instruction set

However the supported standard algebra objects : A>Z : Sign standards like planks,
Are to be defined first.

Function call priority:

1: Memory defined maths objects : MDMO : Float,Integer & static

2: Functions by class : SiMD(Vector), Float instructions FPU & Integer instructions

3: Having defined these, We call on Vulkan,OpenGL,Metal,DirectX for supported object classes:
Images,Audio,Polygon's & other objects defined by GPU standards (compression standards for example).

Minimising calls : Parallel Identity instructions: OpenCL,Direct Compute & at the same time,
Call OpenGL,Vulkan,Metal,DirectX,Console code,

The initiated GPU standards called : OpenGL,Vulkan,Metal,DirectX,Console code..
To aquire format standards supported, Do not mean that we have to use the standard on CL_C++/C#,
Acquiring the supported definitions simply means : Usable & Load/Save available.

Order as defined below: Display the HPC Science requirements for Research,Render,CAD,Cinema,Movies,Gaming

Dual execution, Single or multiple source RAM objects; Initiated though resource allocation & management.

AMD,IBM,NVidia,Intel,Sony,Microsoft,Linux,Apple: Follow the model: Dynamic Managed execution & timing assessment with pre-fetch anticipatory cache: L1,L2,L3

(c)Rupert S


A List sorted for functional use in Programming:Science:Gaming:RS } Bios : compute : HPC } Without HPC software & this stack nothing works BIG

Over arch API standard SDK core code:

User Interaction:

Display & windows:

Media protocols & data collection + camera & video:
Audio, Video & Media encoding standards and hardware, Data collection, Process & Save   } } 3x load:code research data exploitation:Render & save+optimise+compress } Dynamic data sets of precise 4/3D assets for study. } } : 2x for input & output render & data

3D data & photo input standards & compression, Data Sets

Dispite the priority of high accuracy, Particular to research & CAD conception,

The priority of introduction to Cinematic render makes Gaming a priority,

Particularly in light of RayTrace & WebRender : WebGL, OpenGL:ES & Virtual Systems & VM - Priority pixel & Vector & Ray-trace 8 } 3x load:code research data exploitation:Render & save+optimise+compress } Extrapolation of rendered data in ML,AI & Analytics

High priority data exploration & utilisation & save:

Data base       } } Dynamic data sets of precise 4/3D assets for study. } : 2x for input & output render & data

3D data & photo input standards & compression, Data Sets } 3x load:code research data exploitation:Render & save+optimise+compress


Analytic Rendering Interface for Data Visualisation

Launched in November 2019, the Khronos Analytic Exploratory Group is now ANARI™, an official Working Group under Khronos governance. This new Analytic Rendering Interface API will streamline data visualisation development for any company creating scientific visualisation rendering engines, libraries and applications. ANARI will free visualisation domain experts and software developers from non-trivial rendering details while enabling graphics experts to avoid domain-specific functionality and optimisations in their rendering backends.

OpenMAX AL (Application Layer)

OpenMAX AL provides a standardized interface between an application and multimedia middleware, where multimedia middleware provides the services needed to perform expected API functionality. OpenMAX AL provides application portability with regards to the multimedia interface.

OpenMAX IL (Integration Layer)

OpenMAX IL serves as a low-level interface for audio, video, and imaging codecs used in embedded and/or mobile devices. It gives applications and media frameworks the ability to interface with multimedia codecs and supporting components (i.e., sources and sinks) in a unified manner. The codecs themselves may be any combination of hardware or software and are completely transparent to the user. 
Without a standardized interface of this nature, codec vendors must write to proprietary or closed interfaces to integrate into mobile devices. The principal goal of the IL is to give codecs a degree of system abstraction using a specialized arsenal of features, honed to combat the problem of portability among many vastly different media systems.

OpenMAX DL (Development Layer)

OpenMAX DL defines an API which contains a comprehensive set of audio, video and imaging functions that can be implemented and optimized on new processors by silicon vendors and then used by codec vendors to code a wide range of codec functionality. It includes audio signal processing functions such as FFTs and filters, imaging processing primitives such as color space conversion and video processing primitives to enable the optimized implementation of codecs such as MPEG-4, H.264, MP3, AAC and JPEG. OpenMAX supports acceleration concurrency via both iDL, which uses OpenMAX IL constructs, and aDL which adds asynchronous interfaces to the OpenMAX DL API.

glTF (Image format for 3D objects & subject work)

WebGL has Faster Load Times with glTF’s GLB Format versus Json :

The glTF format GLB loads and saves & loads Vertice vectors at upto 4x the speed,The model is included in the Vulkan Render Layers Initiative & enables computes of 3D/4D/<>8D Models that we need for gaming & research,
Quantum Code can also use the model as it saves considerable time making lattice models..
Suggested standard practice for space & clock cycle; High performance gaming saving gaming.

Tessellation will be faster & Vector Vertice processing faster with a lighter memory footprint.

Rupert S

Sunday, April 12, 2020

CERN-Filter & Masks

Centred Energy Reactive carboN : CERN-Filter , Masks & Clothing Material

Patents : (c)RS

(Save the health and shop community and health workers in NGO such as
(Donations appreciated!)

(The best formula we believe in at CERN & Boinc & WCG)

Packs of 10 to 100 of masks in this design free distribution too all customers with a subscription of 1 year & or a product of prestige from your play store..

(By recognition your sympathies and donations of contribution to the science community are most appreciated.)

Masks & Filters, Industrial Filters & protective materials : RS

Created in layers of fine mesh filer carbon between layers of water/energy absorbent/retentive/expulsive silicon gel fibre cloth,

at 1/3mm to 4mm thick the face masks & machine filters are intended to reduce and balance atmosphere in situation where: Water, Chemical, Solvents, Dust & germs/Bio-matter are present & a cause of problems,

The solution is created by the LHC team


at 1/2mm to 20mm C.E.R.N Reactive Materia is designed to shield bodies from many threats,
A layer of refraction though light materials on top & polarising light fields & OLED mesh..
The creation of Synergy System Dynamic Logic.

O.L.E.D Formula for display technology : (c)RS

O.L.E.D Display technology : Advanced Harden HDR LED:
Layer of bouncy silicone fibre vine mixed with very fine carbon fibres,
Layer of hardened transparent material, GEM
Layer of detective material (very fine) & O.L.E.D
Layers of bouncy silicon plastic (elastic) and very fine carbon fibre..
piercing conductive surface circuit..

Cooling layer Metallic radiator & electrostatic-VRBase 4 cone speaker (very thin)
Layer of cooling material for strengthening display.
Layer cooling & protective.

(c) Rupert S


Too good to miss Body Armour (c)RS

Now combat birds may well be described as wearing a flexible hard case body armour that is dark browny goldy black & a short sword....

Now i don't want to be picky but i really imagine a laser right, Well the birds are not exactly revealing anything! :L

However diagnostics of golden brown grey & black Bay reveal Kevlar & maybe Metallic chrome/tungsten..

Now that combination makes sense for several reasons of defence! But that does not guarantee impact damage mitigations that..

Microporous Foam in the forms of Rubber and poly-carbon fibre..

& Yes a sword, Tungsten carbide / Poly Carbon glass/Alloy



Medicine : Ventilator : CERN are developing revolutionary HEV : High Energy Ventilator(tm)

You might want to ventilate asthma & burn patients as-well as other patients with ventilation issues such as astronauts & divers,
Serious topics such as ventilation & filtering in nuclear radiation zones & biological hazards.
These features are proposed to be included & researched.

A team of experts at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland, the operator of the largest particle physics lab in the world, is developing a stripped-down medical ventilator for patients suffering with COVID-19.

Known as the High Energy Ventilator, or HEV, the device could be used to help treat patients with mild forms of the disease, or those who are in the recovery phase, freeing up more advanced machines for more severe cases. The design was proposed by a team of physicists from the LHCb (Large Hadron Collider beauty) experiment and has been designed with "ease of deployment in mind."

The device is based on components that are simple and inexpensive to source, and can be powered with batteries, solar panels, or emergency generators, making it easy to deploy in areas with limited resources.


Useful for studying Illness & Science

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