Tuesday, March 26, 2024

GoFetch Security Exploit - Repair Security Fix (c)RS

GoFetch memory dependent prefetch exploits 01:15 26/03/2024 (c)RS

GoFetch Vulnerability:

Exploits DMPs present in certain processors (e.g., Apple Silicon, newer Intel) to leak sensitive information.

DMPs aim to improve performance by prefetching data the processor might need based on past access patterns.

Malicious actors can trick DMPs into prefetching data from memory locations they shouldn't access, revealing sensitive information like cryptographic keys.

If these analytics are unavailable, the exploit presumably fails.


How the Virus Works :

GoFetch memory dependent prefetch, exploits rely on exploiting performance boosting statistic logs,

Virus works by analysing High Precision Timers & the Runtime Analytics Process,
If those facts are unavailable.. Then the virus procedural analytics would not work!
Praise the quality of the analytics process!

Analyses data from High Precision Timers and Runtime Analytics Process.

These analytics likely reveal patterns in memory access that the virus exploits to trigger DMP behaviour and leak information.

If these analytics are unavailable, the exploit presumably fails.


Restrict access to analytics data: Only certificate certified applications should access the data DMPs rely on.

Permissions: Similar to Android, keep performance data and timers private, requiring explicit permission for access.

Delayed delivery: False or delayed data might not be as effective but could slow down attackers.

Sandboxing: Isolate untrusted applications in a virtual machine (VM) to limit their ability to exploit the system & performance metrics & statistics.

That being said; I believe the virus works by analysing High Precision Timers & the Runtime Analytics Process,
If those facts are unavailable.. Then the virus procedural analytics would not work!

you can however praise the quality of the analytics process!

Rupert S


The thoughts to process:

One or Two Facts,

Facts worth noting about the statistics required to exploit the CPU internals:


Keep the statistics away from the non certified virus..
keep them Admin..


Unshared performance statistics & timers; don't get processed!
keep the properties personal permissions like android.


Lies about statistics are not allowed...
However delayed delivery affects little but a code developer...


Applications have to have been trusted to gain statistics

You can contain the bug with analytic observation of the data query and if no permission is granted...

Boot them to VM virtual "reality" aka delayed and a fabrication of certainty.

GOD Loves you...


That being said; I believe the virus works by analysing High Precision Timers & the Runtime Analytics Process,
If those facts are unavailable.. Then the virus procedural analytics would not work!

you can however praise the quality of the analytics process! haha

Rupert S