Tuesday, July 7, 2015

fukushima water - what to do with it

Fukuyama water - what to do with it

In essence? Why Waste Radio Isotopes! Why treat poor people to time in hospital with a curable cancer..
Mary Curie got famous for it! :p

What would you do with 600 metric tonnes of nuclear waste contaminated water ?

Is there anything that can be done...
wouldn't it be a disaster of it got within the environment...

well yes ! so here is a break down.

Chemical bonding of the isotopes and filtration....

Magnetic filtering...

and my favourite : use distillation ...
Distillation can be done with sun heat in glass chambers, as the water is heated in turky and other eastern lands (even at hotels)

the simplest plan is to filter the waters using salt panning ...

Now obviously that water would have to go though several pans ...
and should essentially come out as pure water,

The nice thing about pure water is that it cannot be radioactive.

The idea is not expensive, especially when compared to poisoning the entire pacific.




But we do not have to Waste the advantage of having Radioactive compounds..
There are many paying options for Radio Clocks & devices; Or scanners & Smoke detectors!
Lots of options that we can use!

Rupert S : Reference use : https://science.n-helix.com/2013/11/there-is-no-such-thing-as-nuclear-waste.html


20-june-2016 Given the long life span of radioactive waste ..


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