Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Vulkan Kernel - Windows - Linux - Android - Apple

The Vulkan Kernel - Windows - Linux - Android - Apple

References to VULKAN can be replaced or supplemented with Metal (Mac OS) & Direct X

All driver parameters are set according to the Vulkan principle with hardware and AVX & Float versioning...

Under the level 2 kernel api calls, Direct messages to the driver modules in Vulkan compatible script, The kernel is fittingly representing the screen resolution though mode & VESA Standard 2D & 3D instructions..

Mode query will one proposes include Vulkan API call queries to all compatible devices..
For this purpose the api will call an ID on the device for driver model/Version.

Once the VESA & Vulkan standards are found; Mode setting can be carried out by the OS,
However the Open CL & GL functions for screen settings can be used pure.

Depending on space in the bios uefi the calls may have already been made to call the screen optimum into being, Bios calls can reference hardware, IO, DMA & Memory/Feature Sets,
Such settings are equivalent to environmental flags (Set).

Pure Vulkan kernel calls in Kernel speed up the process & lower RAM usage,
Possibly increase security (ideally)

Ultra High Definition Colour : 

Video Colour definition smoothing & Optimisation with sharp edge HDR Contrast Adaptation.
Dynamic colour remap & Optimisation,
Wide path 8 512Bit,256Bit,128Bit,96Bit 8; 16Bit per channel into & from 10Bit per channel & 8Bit Per channel ..
With dynamic hardware accelerated Colour translation & super dithering with AA in transparent ranges, LOD Translation in vectored 3D though FPU/GPU/AVX/SiMD.

VR-VMP-3D - Vector tables/SIMD/RayTracing/High Precision Float:

We can use CPU & GPU MipMap & Tessellation  RiS with micro smoothing predictive tessellation with map fonts, We can also do colour maps and lut conversion for dynamic contrast & Sound for the Realtek Audio codec! We can do this for video also...

Light/Shade & Colour HDR Mapping & Polymorphic HDR 3D Sound; Texture emulation of feel, 
Touch and sensation/Sound though Direct Compute Shaders & poly numeric maths.

Haptic 3D feeling/Sensation/Visuals/Sound & Audio for JS/script & code/Open CL/Direct Compute for 3D/Video/Internet HPC.

Sensational Virtual 3D Web/Video/Classic Video/Games/Audio/Fonts with haptic sensation and touch! 
All new JS ML code to make true sensation : real feels for emotional highs as you chat,

tip or cam your game experience & do research high performance compute.

Kernel plans are to improve OS + Kernel integration for Bios MK3/4:

"GPU/CPU Float capacity; May well be far more of worth than we have as yet anticipated.

SiMD <> Float conversion makes practical the evolution of super functional dynamic capacity,
In the CPU/GPU/Processor market..
Integer <> Float conversion; Covers the rest of our needs for precision enhancement.



Thought it best to let CPU/GPU Creators get there thoughts around the latest development that would improve the OS & bios..Making improvements in interaction that improve latency issues and ram usage in conditions such as HPC,

High performance computing requires low latency & reliable OS function with a whole lot less ram leaks & CPU clock cycle usage..Particularly in the case of GPU usage in kernel load; For example in linux or phone (Android for example or ios)

Development of low tick dynamic kernel integrated GPU functions in the same manner as chrome integrates function on the fly,Chrome is quite impressive in this light; As also are the OpenGLES applications..

Core functions are the most worthy of optimisation & obviously we require the best work to be done on shared resources ..Resources shared across core functions like Float and AVX/SiMD.

Integrating core AVX or Vector function of provident use & optimisation; Are surely of most use to GPU Manufacturers 

Interested in pipelined Pixle/SiMD instruction pipelines for Tessellation or other core non floating,

Instruction...Integrating float conversion so that SiMD can be carried out converted into Majority GPU/CPU Float capacity; May well be far more of worth than we have as yet anticipated.

SiMD <> Float conversion makes practical the evolution of super functional dynamic capacity,
In the CPU/GPU/Processor market..
Integer <> Float conversion; Covers the rest of our needs for precision enhancement.

(c)Rupert S


SVM:S.ADFM SVM : Dedicated Adaptive Hardware & Firmware

Power VR invented the original: We create the best : Compress : DOT3/4/5+

Great for games without the direct feed of 30GB of DOT3/4/5+ compressed texture cache,
Cache & Layer download from fast B-Ray,ROM's & Storage: Cache dynamic.
Utilise the Blue RAY & ROM & DVD Double Layer..

List Compressor:RS:

GLTF, DOT3 to DOT5 compress all textures; At a minimum in 4Bit too 16Bit per channel,Optimised layer patching, That is when we overlay Higher Bit depth Textures & HLSL Shaders..

In layers on GPU/CPU/Vector/Float processed & merged texture content,The lower bit depth base texture is optimised JPG style and GIF & Merged,

Lower order bumpmap & Shaders are merged into the mipmap layer, To reduce processing overhead; At a reasonable rate of memory usage,

Combined order Process CSS:JS allows 2kb files too merge multiple jason : All are GZ, LHA7 compressed & optimised/Minified,

Storage of Large file is Internal Slot/External HDD & BlueRay/DVD/USB Key Flash & Micro HDD, At 8GB too 2TB minimum specs : USB2/3/3.2The higher the data rate on test, The higher the desired storage profile that ML will allocate :

Dynamic Allocation ML: User Option: Default : External USB Drive for data loading under 250MB/S & 64GB+ of space.

SVM:S.ADFM SVM : Dedicated Adaptive Hardware & Firmware

Dedicated Adaptive Hardware & Firmware:  SVM:S.ADFM SVM ML Adaptive, 
The new SVM:S.ADFM SVM ML Adaptive : Sample with AutoDynamic Feedback & Map Streaming with compression(tm)RiS technology

Pixel Enhancement strategies: display level:

Digital port & card properties: HDR Dynamic DOT Codec , 
Monitor & Screen - Digital Display Port & HDMI:
Analog & Direct Digital

Encrypted Display Digital Output : EDDO : DAC:

Digital Encryption Standard DAC output by nature has 2 properties

Encoded frame, Meaning no tearing/Shear

Signal sync

Data speed improvements

HDR Dynamic DOT Codec:

Dot3/5/NV12 Compression & Encoded colour formats

MP4, Run-Length Encoding & lossless compression

Dynamically allocated by means of supported Vector Math embedded chip SOC with VESA Standards:
Strategically a lot of screens have embedded Vector interpolators for the screen output,
Particularly with interlace support in digital input mode.

Therefor we will use all to advantage.

The DAC: Digital Converter can be:

Dispaly potential List:

A: Dithered by alternate line polarity
B: Dual frame encoded : Double the frame rate : Half a frame each & of N12++,MP4,AVC++,DOT Compressed HDR 
Under this standard both frames are encoded digitally with buffer data retention.

Smother playback; Because 2 times the frame rate for 1/3 less Bandwidth requirement,

Vector SiMD : The Smooth frame : Colour palette SiMD Vectored with Ray tracing Vectored digital content:


Dynamic vectored float Interpolation(tm) standards

Vector content media: Where applicable

(based on chemical & light level outputs (Scientifically analysed in laboratories & IEEE Standards for HDR LED (OLED))

Dynamic HDR Contrast with Gama Curve Dynamics mapped to OLED,LED,
Projector & all TV Streaming standards.

Dynamic HDR LUT with Gama & Noise suppression

Gama curve & Light table based upon the lumina of a webcam (with lab SRGB data tables)

So why ? 4 frames of interlaced data with vectored interpolation of the LUT table references,

4 allows 1 frame advantage compression, There being 2 frames (Virtual interlace Smooth scan)..
Per displayed frame, The advantage is that interlaced frames alternate pixel position by scan rate.

Encoding the two frames in a digital signal allows a higher precision scan & screen mode:

Holographic display & Vector display such as Digital Lumina wall screens and movie theaters.

I propose to directly compress & Encrypt ECC Elliptic curve:

2 modes : Not official secret : 

Encryption Cypher, Elliptic curve is mapped to gain the maximum dynamic range from the display.

Secret mode: + Dynamically allocated by means of supported Vector Math embeded chip SOC with VESA Standards

Proposing that the standard of non secret is to use to advantage both supported standards for output..

& Vectored LUT Table (at both ends) Including display standard SRGB & SRGBA SRGBX(Light to dark)

(c)Rupert S https://science.n-helix.com


(c)Rupert S 



High performance firmware:






Compiler books & reading : https://science.n-helix.com/2017/04/boinc.html

Vectored code : tessellation & other functions using SIMD & Compute Shader maths: 

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