Thursday, February 23, 2023

PM-QoS - Processor Model QoS Tree for TCP, UDP & QUICC

Quality of Service Protocol & the TCP & UDP & QUICC Protocols : RS

Extremely good for HDMI & DisplayPort & USB/URT & 2.4G/Bluetooth : In regards to Codec development and flow & device control,
Audio, Video, Process & Command

Congress - Congestion Control - Combined Network QOS Routing Table Tree-Swarm - Quality of Service Protocol & the TCP & UDP & QUICC Protocols


Processor Model for TCP, UDP & QUICC : (c)RS

To put TCP, UDP & QUICC in a proper place in your minds for application,
Think about Applying them to processors; Particularly Neuromorphic, ML & GPU/CPU!

How exactly?

Address space modelling for data transfer:
Between RAM, HDD/SDD & CPU & Internally mapping across cache & Sparse Model NAND Gates.

In the situation internal to Device Gates & Logic Circuits; We map address spaces across the processor,
We internalize the location logic as a network & utilise TCP, UDP & QUICC,

We do not need the sending strategy of Data Transfer to be Random; Random wastes Bandwidth!
But we do need a QOS Data Transfer policy & Networking Tactics!

Why ? Not all processor functions are directly connected in MultiChip & 3D Model Processor.


By thinking about the Processor Model for TCP, UDP & QUICC : (c)RS

We soon find the best light TCP, UDP & QUICC Network Strategy.

Think about this model designing the Network Protocols



"Kevin Cisco-Kevin

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 08:32:03 -0800

Subject: Re: To think about the Network Model : Processor Model for TCP, UDP & QUICC : (c)RS

What we really need is a transfer layer mechanism modeled after Swarm

where packets are broken up into chunks and reassembled after

handshaking. But we don't live in that world."

Kevin Suggests we think about Swarm : RS : What do i think on average (Swarm)

PM-QoS - Swarm : Networking TCP UDP QUICC NTP DNS

I think that Swarm; Multi Target Networking is a primary method under consideration for QUICC & UDP & NTP Responses,

Swarm is high noise; High Volume Send & Receive,
With alteration though Statistical & Machine rout optimisation... That bandwidth cost reduces,
ML : Neural network, Send, Receive & Confirm, Swarm, In effect on globally predictable commodities such as:

NTP, DNS (popular), News & Decentralised command...

Can work! Network Command requires directly applied logic; What i mean is : Confirmed Command & Reception affirmation & Action!

So i propose the following:

Combined Network QOS Routing Table Tree-Swarm : CNetQSRT-Tree-Sw : Rupert S 2023-02

QOS Applied to QUIC, TCP, UDP Data packet Anagrams

What I mean is that QUIC is a protocol that passes data through multiple network adapters like a tree,
What we do is send information on the data transfer abilities of each adapter (locally) & prefer a route,
We prioritise routes based on data flow statistics & choose thereby optimum routes...

By Statistically collating data locally (in network adapter group, per localised network...

We will further select a route based on those statistics; Machine Learning is not obligatory & hence there is less to go wrong,

Routers do not need to be as modern & We can collect that information for routing tables & Create Optimum routes; Like a tree; With little need for control or modification...

All TCP, UDP & QUIC & NTP & DNS packets get to the required destination fast & with low latency.

QOS is clearly of advantage to QUIC, Because we can assess the data throughput of the modems/Network adapters & change routes? 
For optimum performance & minimum error or work.

Swarm:ML (Known Receiver : Known Sender)

DNS Global Submit

Network Tunnelling, For example: Torado, Large Download Acceleration

Secure Network Tunnelling, For example: VPN, VPS, Ethernet, 3G, 4G LTE, Volt, 5G Volt, Telecommunications Networking & GPS)

Defined routing with QOS Network optimisation (Localised) & Data bandwidth data (Localised)

Global Zone routing through tables...

Statistic Enhanced Routing & Delivery


QOS : Quality Of Service protocol : RS

Personally I believe QOS : Quality Of Service protocol be introduced
to all network traffic,
Primarily the Point A to point Z route needs planning first.

QOS Datagram
Network throughput Capacity of the network card
Advertise Capacity in local network
Plan routes based on network capacity

So the Quality Of Service Protocol needs to send a datagram to the
network adapter of site:

A to Z

A list of local routes needs to be cached & prioritised based on
Network point A's network capacity & priority,

The rout needs Point A to Z mapped & Z to A

We then send data with a packet listing preferred routes

[QOS][Origin : Target][Preferred route list forward sent][Network Performance Metric Packet]

[Origin : Target][Preferred route list forward sent][Semi Static Route Tunnel]

[Packet ID][Origin : Target][Data Packet]

Searching for a route with every packet costs processor Cycles; So
preferred routes need to be tunnelled & Secured with TLS

Rupert S

Vectors & maths

Networking & Management

Faster Maths & ML

Focus on Quality

Code Speed


Example of a Secure Tunnel System:

TLS Optimised

Ethernet Security


Suitable for codec, Texture, Video Element, Firmware & ROM, Executable, Storage & RAM, DLL & Library runtimes, CSS & JS & HDMI & DisplayPort VESA Specifications :

Install and maintain as provided HPC Pack, Exactly as presented with nodes & functions; Be as generous as you can towards our research goals.



PM-QoS - Processor Model QoS Tree for TCP, UDP & QUICC

The Method of PM-QoS Roleplayed in a way that Firmware & CPU Prefetch ML Coders can understand.


Multiple Busses &or Processor Features in an Open Compute environment with competitive task scheduling

[Task Scheduler] Monticarlo-Workload-Selector

We prioritise data traffic by importance & Need to ensure that all CPU Functions are used...

In the case of a Chiplet GPU We need to assign function groups to CU & QoS is used to asses available Multiple BUSS Capacities over competing merits,
[Merits : Buss Data Capacity, Buss Cycles, Available Features, Function Endpoint]

PM-QoS is a way of Prioritising Buss traffic to processor functions & RAM & Storage Busses that:

States a data array such as:

Buss Width

divisibility ((Example) Where you transform a 128Bit buss into 32Bit x 4 Data motions and synchronize the transfers,

Data Transfer Cycles Available

Used Data Rate / Total Data Throughput Rate = N

(c)Rupert S

**************************** Reference Ambition

Title: Specifying New Congestion Control Algorithms

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 16:39:25 +0100

Title: Specifying New Congestion Control Algorithms

Document date: 2023-02-17



The IETF's standard congestion control schemes have been widely shown

to be inadequate for various environments (e.g., high-speed

networks). Recent research has yielded many alternate congestion

control schemes that significantly differ from the IETF's congestion

control principles. Using these new congestion control schemes in

the global Internet has possible ramifications to both the traffic

using the new congestion control and to traffic using the currently

standardized congestion control. Therefore, the IETF must proceed

with caution when dealing with alternate congestion control

proposals. The goal of this document is to provide guidance for

considering alternate congestion control algorithms within the IETF.

The IETF Secretariat

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