Clock & Low Latency Secure NTP, PTP Video & Audio Sync network card (c)RS
Data Throughput:PTP,NTP,AES - Programmable logic, Why use this instead of a NIC ? or with a nic, Latency RS 2023-06-14 (c)RS
FPGA | FPMG Programmable clocks
PTP Official Clock generator,
In board multiplier,
On Die Cache
Precision enhancement Interpolation circuit
On Die Network translation, IP6 & IP4 with
Output Cache
In the case of low latency networking with EEC & Elliptic Curve integrated security:
Time clock +
Certificate Cache
AES output with certificate (can be static & cached)
Output Cache,
Security layer & IP Translation layer
(c)Rupert S 1h:00
Clock expander with parallel async gate activation
/ |
{Clock} |< |
|< |
|< |
|< |
\ |
[C] [E]
/ |
{Clock} |< |
|< | = [CE]
|< |
|< |
\ |
[CE] + Micro [E]
Value Large F16, F32, F64 & so forth
----- = Fraction
A = 100 - [Fraction] Until B
100 = [Value]A
0 = [Value]B
100 - [Fraction] (A - B)
Rupert S
Reasoning for the network NTP & PTP Audio & Video Sync device
The Network card & Devices are designed to provide high-precision synchronization for video and audio applications using NTP and PTP protocols..
It features a FPGA-based programmable clock generator that can produce multiple output frequencies and phases with low jitter and high accuracy.
The clock generator also supports NTP & PTP official clock functionality,
Which allows the network card to act as a master or slave clock in a NTP & PTP network.
The network card also has a FPMG circuit that can perform interpolation and scaling operations on the input and output clocks & an on-die cache that can store the clock data and reduce latency.
The network card also has a built-in network translation module that can handle both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols,
An output cache that can buffer the data packets before sending them to the network.
In addition, the network card has a security layer that integrates EEC and elliptic curve cryptography to protect the data transmission.
The security layer can also generate AES output with certificates that can be static or cached on the network card.
The network card also has a TPM module that can store the certificates and keys securely.
The network card is compatible with various video and audio formats and standards, such as Ethernet, Wifi & Radio, HDMI, DisplayPort, SDI, AES3, etc..
It can also support JIT compilation and machine learning applications using the resources of the FPGA and FPMG circuits.
Research and Development,
Rupert S
PTP Server Clock Sync
Open Streaming Codecs 2023
|-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------|
| PTP official | | In-board | | On-die cache |
| clock generator |----| multiplier |----| |
|-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------|
| | |
| | |
|-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------|
| Precision | | On-die network | | Output cache |
| enhancement |----| translation |----| |
| interpolation | | | |-----------------|
| circuit | |-----------------|
| Time clock |
| Onboard TPM |
| Certificate |
| cache |
| AES output with |
| certificate |
| Security layer |
| and IP |
| translation |
| layer |
TMS & HP_TMS High Precision Time Measurement System, Presents the issue of time measurements from a Quartz Crystal: RS
We measure time with the high precision event timer & we carry out processing tasks on the CPU,
Now what we need is an even higher precision clock!
Per tick on the quartz crystal we create a simple elliptic curve in SiMD that presents the time after each tick; In higher precision..
For this process we need a low latency SiMD attached to the Quartz Crystal Array..
Elliptic Example : TVarEllipsoRS from
Clock expander with parallel async gate activation from
Under the example We are going to present simple curves per tick that present sequential array of time,
Transistor functions have a measurable time period that they work over & our intention is to exploit the run period to measure time.
Because the curve is a simple maths the SiMD passes a very quick instruction for a curve & we process that curve over a measured period of time or a fixed period of time..
We can alternatively load a curve per tick from cache & measure our time period over the curve between ticks.
Per tick on the quartz crystal we create or load a simple elliptic curve in SiMD that presents the time after each tick; In higher precision..
Thereby over the run period, We have a higher measurement of time.
(c)Rupert S
Secure Configuration:
PTP & NTP Improve security WW
NTP64 Server (run after PTP)
PTP & NTP Improve security WW
Open Streaming Codecs 2023
The following diagram illustrates some of the possible components and functions of a programmable logic device for data throughput optimization:(c)RS
|-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------|
| PTP official | | In-board | | On-die cache |
| clock generator |----| multiplier |----| |
|-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------|
| | |
| | |
|-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------|
| Precision | | On-die network | | Output cache |
| enhancement |----| translation |----| |
| interpolation | | | |-----------------|
| circuit | |-----------------|
| Time clock |
| Onboard TPM |
| Certificate |
| cache |
| AES output with |
| certificate |
| Security layer |
| and IP |
| translation |
| layer |
We measure time with the high precision event timer & we carry out processing tasks on the CPU,
Now what we need is an even higher precision clock!
Per tick on the quartz crystal we create a simple elliptic curve in SiMD that presents the time after each tick; In higher precision..
For this process we need a low latency SiMD attached to the Quartz Crystal Array..
Elliptic Example : TVarEllipsoRS from
Clock expander with parallel async gate activation from
Under the example We are going to present simple curves per tick that present sequential array of time,
Transistor functions have a measurable time period that they work over & our intention is to exploit the run period to measure time.
Because the curve is a simple maths the SiMD passes a very quick instruction for a curve & we process that curve over a measured period of time or a fixed period of time..
We can alternatively load a curve per tick from cache & measure our time period over the curve between ticks.
Per tick on the quartz crystal we create or load a simple elliptic curve in SiMD that presents the time after each tick; In higher precision..
Thereby over the run period, We have a higher measurement of time.
(c)Rupert S
Compression competitiveness
Both these are suitable for Mouse & Keyboard & Device Energy & data-rate cost reductions on 2.4G & WiFi & internal hardware..
Compressed Efficient Networking : HDMI, DisplayPort, BlueTooth, WiFi & Telecoms : RS
Achievable compression on NTP & DNS & Web Services JS CSS, PHP,
We already compress Audio & Video & Content Text : JS, CSS, PHP, DNS Records, NTP & PTP
Many movie players & streamers require both! Synchronisation of Audio/Video streams & Telecommunications & NTP & DNS are achievable compression!
Rupert S
Compression Formula : RS
Our main objective is to achieve universal support; NTP, DNS, Messaging & application..
Compression is faster & reduces costs on connections such as mobile,
We need to choose our compression well!
We need one that is universally supported!
Average compression level
LZ4 <> ZStandard, Brotli-G, GZip
Average speed
Brotli-G, LZ4 <> ZStandard, Brotli, GZip
LZ4 <> ZStandard, Brotli-G, GZip
Average speed
Brotli-G, LZ4 <> ZStandard, Brotli, GZip
Preferred PTP & NTP Formula reasoning : RS
PTP timers are based on time stamps,
Time stamps are fast,
Latency between servers is calculated by a combination of accurate latency measurements combined with accurate clocks...
The basic parameter of a clock?
Time Stamp
Binary string
Numeric sequence
Timing packet
Timer signals are used for audio & video frame synchronisation on the internet..
Timer signals are used for all processes internally inside a computer system & the processor itself!
Timer signals control game actions & frame rate, They control the ticks of our clock, the motions of our Hard Drive..
Timer signals control our ram, our thread count & function cycle.
Firmware supported compressed time formula : PTP & NTP single packet multiple cycle sequence.
PTP/NTP Synchronisation for HDMI & DisplayPort is a more important thing!
The Protocols that NTP & PTP Create, Time Stamp video & audio signals,
Generally PTP is more logical; however NTP packets at a ratio of 1 per 15 Seconds Synchronises the majority of web traffic
The Protocols that NTP & PTP Create, Time Stamp video & audio signals,
Generally PTP is more logical; however NTP packets at a ratio of 1 per 15 Seconds Synchronises the majority of web traffic
PTP Timer Observation Method,
Most MP3, AAC, Internet protocol, Audio & Video codecs have a time stamp per frame or per packet group,
We add precise timers calculated on statistical averages per second..
We Observe & Stabilize both Frame Rate, & Content speed regulation with Frame Rate Doubling & Quality content.
Most MP3, AAC, Internet protocol, Audio & Video codecs have a time stamp per frame or per packet group,
We add precise timers calculated on statistical averages per second..
We Observe & Stabilize both Frame Rate, & Content speed regulation with Frame Rate Doubling & Quality content.
Preferred PTP & NTP Formula (c)RS
Preferring binary with GZip, Brotli & LZ4 compression is preferred,
Most network cards & motherboard firmware supports at a minimum LZ4 or GZip because the firmware bootloader has a compressed ROM,
Frequently LZ4 is supported.
Network packet exchange for supported compression with subtopic, Compression supported by the firmware!
The basic firmware support allows compression on device & not referring to the central processor for task offloading.
Preferred PTP & NTP Formula (c)RS
Compressed NTP & PTP Ultra high precision packet
processed for latency, rout & robust high precision clock adjustments.
Since buss protocols based on ethernet technology involve quick protocol scans,
Compression for storage, ram, gpu, 2.4G & wifi & other hardware; may take a maximum of 4 seconds to optimise with priority selection ML & System code..
Most likely faster! especially if generalised across class & function & thus optimised through tables of logic.
Compression for storage, ram, gpu, 2.4G & wifi & other hardware; may take a maximum of 4 seconds to optimise with priority selection ML & System code..
Most likely faster! especially if generalised across class & function & thus optimised through tables of logic.
Protocol Table:
Per device internal probe & declare
Packet negotiations (cache saved for reuse)
The table will be the sum of the preferred compression & protocol methods by task optimised preference & shall not give specific details away.
Firmware supported compression per device.
Brotli & GZip is not necessarily going to tell all devices on the path; The time! but lz4 & lzo probably will,
We need Sync to work & for that we need an intrinsic format for compression that devices internally support!
LZ4 compression is used in most firmware's so is a very logical choice for PTP & NTP network protocols, But we can use others..
LZ4, Brotli-G, GZip, LZO; The common ones in web standards arranged in terms of speed Brotli-G, LZ4, GZip, LZO
Average compression level
LZ4 <> ZStandard, Brotli-G, GZip
Average speed
Brotli-G, LZ4 <> ZStandard, Brotli, GZip
Send preferred compression list based on parsing of closest device on the sending path:
Device to device priorities
Network card, Wifi, Router etcetera
Motherboard support
Central processor support
Packets shall then consist of time stamps & -+ latency adjusters & a detailed 1 to 32 Byte group, reason says 64Byte..
Compressed time packet : NTP & PTP Ultra high precision packet.
This shall be processed for latency, rout & robust high precision clock adjustments.
Compressed Context Blocks:
DNS & PTP grouped messaging & grouping menus & chat contexts in compression context blocks improves performance!
Allowing JS, JSon & PHP, HTML & CSS to be highly efficient.
Compressed Menu Context : So a menu context is like so : Menu { A=X,Y,Z, B=X,Y,Z, C=X,Y,Z, D=X,Y,Z }; Menu = A, B, C, D = Lists {X, Y, Z}
LZ4 <> ZStandard, Brotli-G, GZip
Average speed
Brotli-G, LZ4 <> ZStandard, Brotli, GZip
Send preferred compression list based on parsing of closest device on the sending path:
Device to device priorities
Network card, Wifi, Router etcetera
Motherboard support
Central processor support
Packets shall then consist of time stamps & -+ latency adjusters & a detailed 1 to 32 Byte group, reason says 64Byte..
Compressed time packet : NTP & PTP Ultra high precision packet.
This shall be processed for latency, rout & robust high precision clock adjustments.
Compressed Context Blocks:
DNS & PTP grouped messaging & grouping menus & chat contexts in compression context blocks improves performance!
Allowing JS, JSon & PHP, HTML & CSS to be highly efficient.
Compressed Menu Context : So a menu context is like so : Menu { A=X,Y,Z, B=X,Y,Z, C=X,Y,Z, D=X,Y,Z }; Menu = A, B, C, D = Lists {X, Y, Z}
GZip & Brotli, Yes GZip/LZ4 DNS/NTP Works!
Compression speed comparisons for optimised tables
Compression Z-Standard, Brotli-G : Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd, dcb, dcz
PPP Negotiated compression for System Internals, Networks & 2.4G, 3G, 4G, Ethernet:
Compression is in! Standard NTP is regularly being compressed now, PPP Compression Formula is available & involves multiple round drift file exchange being compressed on initial enquiry for exchange,
The main reasons for Multiple round exchange being PPP Compression is respect for the facts that:
Single packet NTP is 73bitSingle packet DNS is 53bit
Multiple packet exchange is in the range of 100bit to 400 bit,
So compression sessions are viable on multi round expressions!
NTP Requests are successfully being Compressed,
I have no logs but around 39bit to around 72bit with an average of around 38bit to 50Bit per packet.
DNS Requests are more complex as in not 00015 or 2024. As NTP is!
But still compress from around 39bit to 62bit per request.
I have no logs but around 39bit to around 72bit with an average of around 38bit to 50Bit per packet.
DNS Requests are more complex as in not 00015 or 2024. As NTP is!
But still compress from around 39bit to 62bit per request.
Multi round sessions follow specific logic:
Your server is consistent, your DNS & NTP Server is T1, T2, T3 & you are a server &or pro client,
Under the rules of multiple packet exchanges between client & server that is consistent..
PPP Compression formula & Sessions maintain consistent & efficient web service.
Rupert S
PPP:CCP : Internet Connection Protocol compression : 4-15 Available for dcb, br, dcz zstd, gzip, deflate,
While we are unlikely to require deflate; It is supported well; Recommended list dcb, br, dcz zstd, gzip, deflate
While we are unlikely to require deflate; It is supported well; Recommended list dcb, br, dcz zstd, gzip, deflate
PPP Negotiated Compression & SSL Formula with MS Chap 2 is clearly advantaged by Latent default (8x+ compression) LZS Deflate,
Brotli-G, LZ4 & GZip, Deflate & LZS + LZX,...
We do however have Deflate LZS as the entry default & that does offer upto 8x data rate, Brotli-G & LZ4 offer faster decompression values; But not all versions of Deflate LZS with dictionary...
Truly fail to deliver speed! one such example is LZX as presented by microsoft in NTFS
Internet transfer option probably suggests LZX or rather Deflate
Example: Deflate Windows, This allows compressed web transfer for your site,
Yes Brotli-G may suit you better! But Deflate is already done & done means less work.
compact /C /S /I /Q /EXE:LZX C:\inetpub\*
compact /C /S /I /Q /EXE:LZX C:\Windows\web\*
compact /C /S /I /Q /EXE:LZX C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\*
compact /C /S /I /Q /EXE:LZX "C:\Windows\Offline Web Pages\*"
compact /C /S /I /Q /EXE:LZX C:\Windows\System32\networklist\*
Brotli-G, LZ4 & GZip, Deflate & LZS + LZX,...
We do however have Deflate LZS as the entry default & that does offer upto 8x data rate, Brotli-G & LZ4 offer faster decompression values; But not all versions of Deflate LZS with dictionary...
Truly fail to deliver speed! one such example is LZX as presented by microsoft in NTFS
Internet transfer option probably suggests LZX or rather Deflate
Example: Deflate Windows, This allows compressed web transfer for your site,
Yes Brotli-G may suit you better! But Deflate is already done & done means less work.
compact /C /S /I /Q /EXE:LZX C:\inetpub\*
compact /C /S /I /Q /EXE:LZX C:\Windows\web\*
compact /C /S /I /Q /EXE:LZX C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\*
compact /C /S /I /Q /EXE:LZX "C:\Windows\Offline Web Pages\*"
compact /C /S /I /Q /EXE:LZX C:\Windows\System32\networklist\*
compact /C /S /I /Q /EXE:LZX C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\*
Server to Sub-server anonymous key exchange
Random Secure Key Exchange : NTP NTS Secure hash for PTP : NTS Key Establishment protocol & NTS Time Server Registration (NTS-TSR),
I suggest Private Key, Pre shared keys, Keyshare, Server Certificate model.
Random Secure Key Exchange : NTP NTS Secure hash for PTP : NTS Key Establishment protocol & NTS Time Server Registration (NTS-TSR),
I suggest Private Key, Pre shared keys, Keyshare, Server Certificate model.
NTP & PTP Time Sync
Per Site Storage & App Storage: We store in Session Storage using API
Application Storage, Device Storage, Key-Card & Security Keys & Micro Payment Cards & CC
Session Keys & Storage & or Site; Most Security Keys have a limited capacity to hold a few keys..
Local & Internet, We can load to RAM or ROM, RAM may be larger! So devices such as:
Decompression Loading:
Cards & devices such as SSL HSM & Keys
Devices such as Hard Drives & RAM ROMS
Music Players & Phones
We can do several things that require complex support..
We can store a Client SSL Certificate:
Universal18 Open Anonymous Rights Verifier : TLS Certificate
Personal Client Certificate,
Streamer key, personal webcam protection (while viewing u)
We can store tools for site:
Worker JS Cache
Compression Brotli-G, LZ4, ZStandard, GZip between worker & client saving money
Per Site Storage & App Storage: We store in Session Storage using API
Application Storage, Device Storage, Key-Card & Security Keys & Micro Payment Cards & CC
Session Keys & Storage & or Site; Most Security Keys have a limited capacity to hold a few keys..
Local & Internet, We can load to RAM or ROM, RAM may be larger! So devices such as:
Decompression Loading:
Cards & devices such as SSL HSM & Keys
Devices such as Hard Drives & RAM ROMS
Music Players & Phones
We can do several things that require complex support..
We can store a Client SSL Certificate:
Universal18 Open Anonymous Rights Verifier : TLS Certificate
Personal Client Certificate,
Streamer key, personal webcam protection (while viewing u)
We can store tools for site:
Worker JS Cache
Compression Brotli-G, LZ4, ZStandard, GZip between worker & client saving money
WelcomeClient-TLS Session Key (c)RS
The advantage to the HSM & Yubikey & Credit Cards is that a Session Key can be stored in RAM
Function of the device can then store a session key without storing it to flash.
A Cooky or Session Key; with a Hash Key or AES, RSA, ECC Certificate Key can be loaded by the Storage API & used for Return to Sender EEC Encryption..
The function is to load an individual EEC AES & RSA receiver key; The big advantage being that a unique key & ECC can be stored hashed...
In most cases of session reloading or refreshing the session ECC is inplace for session restoring & Encryption...
The advantage to the HSM & Yubikey & Credit Cards is that a Session Key can be stored in RAM.
Function of the device can then store a session key without storing it to flash
Use cases:
Device interactions { GPU, CPU, Motherboard, RAM & Storage }
Hard Drives
Keys & HSM
Rupert S
How WelcomeClient-TLS works as far as function during session storage
Per Site Storage & App Storage: We store in Session Storage using API
Application & Session Storage: We utilize API-based Session Storage to securely store data that's specific to your current browsing session. This ensures privacy and minimizes the risk of unauthorized access.
Session Keys & Storage: We use session keys to protect your data during your browsing session, ensuring confidentiality and integrity.
Device Storage: We can securely store data directly on your device, providing convenient access and reducing the need for constant network connections.
Key-Card & Security Keys - Master Keys with Sub-Certificates
Security Features:
Universal18 Open Anonymous Rights Verifier: We support this certificate, enabling anonymous browsing while maintaining a certain level of verification.
Personal Client Certificate: We can store your personal client certificate, ensuring your identity is verified and protected.
Client SSL Certificate: A Client SSL Certificate, providing a higher level of encryption and authentication.
Streamer Key & Webcam Protection: We provide tools to protect your privacy while using streaming services or webcam applications.
Performance Optimization: We can store tools for site in the Session Store
Worker JS Cache: We leverage Worker JS Cache to improve website performance by caching frequently accessed resources.
Compression: We employ various compression algorithms (Brotli-G, LZ4, ZStandard, GZip) to reduce data transfer size and speed up loading times.
One of the challenges of modern network applications is to achieve high data throughput with low latency and high reliability.
Data throughput is the amount of data that can be transferred over a network in a given time.
Data Throughput:PTP,NTP,AES Programmable Clock & Event Timer (c)RS
One of the challenges of modern network applications is to achieve high data throughput with low latency and high reliability.
Data throughput is the amount of data that can be transferred over a network in a given time.
Latency is the delay between sending and receiving data.
Reliability is the ability to maintain data integrity and availability.
One way to improve data throughput is to use programmable logic devices, such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) or field-programmable micro-gate arrays (FPMGs).
These devices can be customized to perform specific functions at high speed and efficiency, such as encryption, compression, filtering, routing, etc.
Programmable logic devices can also be configured to support different network protocols Such as:
Precision Time Protocol (PTP), Network Time Protocol (NTP), and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
PTP is a protocol that synchronizes the clocks of different devices on a network.
It is used for applications that require precise timing and coordination, such as industrial automation, test and measurement, and telecommunications.
PTP can achieve sub-microsecond accuracy over Ethernet networks.
NTP is a protocol that synchronizes the clocks of different devices on a network.
It is used for applications that require moderate accuracy and stability, such as web servers, email servers, and databases.
NTP can achieve millisecond accuracy over Ethernet networks.
AES is a standard for symmetric-key encryption.
It is used for applications that require data security and confidentiality, such as banking, e-commerce, and government.
AES can encrypt and decrypt data with 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit keys.
Programmable logic devices can be used instead of or with network interface cards (NICs) to improve data throughput.
NICs are hardware components that connect a device to a network.
They are responsible for sending and receiving data packets over the physical layer of the network.Programmable logic devices can be integrated with NICs or replace them entirely,
depending on the application requirements.
For example:
A programmable logic device can be used as a PTP official clock generator providing a reference time for other devices on the network.
It can also implement an in-board multiplier, which increases the clock frequency of the device.
Additionally, it can have an on-die cache, which stores frequently used data for faster access.
A programmable logic device can also perform precision enhancement interpolation circuitry; Which improves the accuracy of the clock signal by interpolating between two adjacent clock pulses.
Furthermore, it can have an on-die network translation unit, which converts between different network protocols, such as IPv6 and IPv4.
Moreover, It can have an output cache, which buffers the outgoing data packets for smoother transmission.
In the case of low latency networking with error correction code (ECC) and elliptic curve integrated security, a programmable logic device can also provide additional features.
For example, a programmable logic device can have a time clock module that synchronizes with the PTP official clock generator.
It can also have an onboard trusted platform module (TPM), Which provides hardware-based security functions..
Such as key generation and storage.
Additionally, it can have a certificate cache; Which stores digital certificates for authentication and encryption.
A programmable logic device can also perform AES output with certificate verification..
Which encrypts the data packets with AES and attaches a digital signature for integrity checking.Furthermore,
It can have a security layer and an IP translation layer,
Which provide additional protection and compatibility for the data packets.
Some of the possible components and functions of a programmable logic device for data throughput optimization.
(c)Rupert S
Reliability is the ability to maintain data integrity and availability.
One way to improve data throughput is to use programmable logic devices, such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) or field-programmable micro-gate arrays (FPMGs).
These devices can be customized to perform specific functions at high speed and efficiency, such as encryption, compression, filtering, routing, etc.
Programmable logic devices can also be configured to support different network protocols Such as:
Precision Time Protocol (PTP), Network Time Protocol (NTP), and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
PTP is a protocol that synchronizes the clocks of different devices on a network.
It is used for applications that require precise timing and coordination, such as industrial automation, test and measurement, and telecommunications.
PTP can achieve sub-microsecond accuracy over Ethernet networks.
NTP is a protocol that synchronizes the clocks of different devices on a network.
It is used for applications that require moderate accuracy and stability, such as web servers, email servers, and databases.
NTP can achieve millisecond accuracy over Ethernet networks.
AES is a standard for symmetric-key encryption.
It is used for applications that require data security and confidentiality, such as banking, e-commerce, and government.
AES can encrypt and decrypt data with 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit keys.
Programmable logic devices can be used instead of or with network interface cards (NICs) to improve data throughput.
NICs are hardware components that connect a device to a network.
They are responsible for sending and receiving data packets over the physical layer of the network.Programmable logic devices can be integrated with NICs or replace them entirely,
depending on the application requirements.
For example:
A programmable logic device can be used as a PTP official clock generator providing a reference time for other devices on the network.
It can also implement an in-board multiplier, which increases the clock frequency of the device.
Additionally, it can have an on-die cache, which stores frequently used data for faster access.
A programmable logic device can also perform precision enhancement interpolation circuitry; Which improves the accuracy of the clock signal by interpolating between two adjacent clock pulses.
Furthermore, it can have an on-die network translation unit, which converts between different network protocols, such as IPv6 and IPv4.
Moreover, It can have an output cache, which buffers the outgoing data packets for smoother transmission.
In the case of low latency networking with error correction code (ECC) and elliptic curve integrated security, a programmable logic device can also provide additional features.
For example, a programmable logic device can have a time clock module that synchronizes with the PTP official clock generator.
It can also have an onboard trusted platform module (TPM), Which provides hardware-based security functions..
Such as key generation and storage.
Additionally, it can have a certificate cache; Which stores digital certificates for authentication and encryption.
A programmable logic device can also perform AES output with certificate verification..
Which encrypts the data packets with AES and attaches a digital signature for integrity checking.Furthermore,
It can have a security layer and an IP translation layer,
Which provide additional protection and compatibility for the data packets.
Some of the possible components and functions of a programmable logic device for data throughput optimization.
(c)Rupert S
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