Wednesday, November 17, 2021

iHM_TES - Interpretive Haptic Motion Time expression Sense-8é: iHM_TES: (c)RS

Interpretive Haptic Motion Time expression Sense-8é: iHM_TES: (c)RS

1 Introduce 3D Audio containerised packet for haptic,
2 Simplification of technique to allow WebAPI,
3 Meta Data for interaction use (Adaptation of geometry, Sound & feedback loop)
4 Backported API : Interaction is a packet; Not a form of MP3 or AAC or H264, H265, VP9, VVC
5 Interpreted loosely (Common goal, Many thiems.
6 Smell, Taste, Sound, Feel, Interaction, Choice : 5 Senses? Why not "Sense"ation 8
7 You can feel it, Taste it & Know what it thinks, How it's heart pulses.. Sense' At (E)ions
8 Properties in the bitstream notify Audio & Video & Expressions of Sense to the meaning to be transferred & meant. the Sense-ATE Property Packet is flexible & multiple endpoint.
9 Transference one expression of experience into another, Convoluted networks transfer one sense into another.
10 Meshes Sense(tm) Combined low latency packets merge sense expression into one cohesive low latency experience by notifying your BT, HDMI, Audio, AMP & TV of the TIME & Sync of each play or motion or move.

(Haptic Is a 3D Sound Waveform of 3D Geometry) ,
Can be visual but not guaranteed to need that complication So:

SBC, AAC, AptX prove virtually indistinct from, Visual waveform geometry Profiled haptic.

Both methods work with localised packet container format..

Game Database loaded waveforms.

Game geometry in the form of waves:


Rupert Summerskill 2021

MPEG Standardisation of haptic feedback: 2 missions: SDK + Client Build + Size & Latency. (c)RS

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